Building Resources
Resourcing and Resource Intensification

What gives you strength, peace and/or joy in your life? or

Describe a person, place, animal or spiritual belief that sustains or nurtures you?

Take a few moments to think about one. Describe more details about your resource to intensify the sensations connected to the resource. This is important to fully experience the resource.

As you describe the resource, bring your attention to what is happening on the inside.

Where in your body do you feel the sensations that are pleasing or neutral to you about your resource? Take your time...

Notice what is happening inside as you think about the resource and notice the sensations that are pleasant to you and/or neutral.

Track your nervous system by paying attention to what is happening to your breath, heart rate, and your muscle relaxation.

Bring awareness to changes that are pleasant or neutral.

As you bring your resource to mind, sometimes there are new feelings, thoughts or beliefs that may come up about your resource and sometimes not? If there are, bring attention to the sensations connected to the new feeling, thought, or belief...again bringing your attention to sensations that are pleasant or neutral.

To end, bring your attention to your whole body and notice all the changes that have happened. Stay with that for a few moments. Know that you can return to this resource anytime you are bumped out of your Resilient Zone or you can select a new resource and repeat the exercise.